Sunday, November 29, 2009

What is a good state geography project for an elementary age child ie..using clay, etc. for 3-d effe

My child has to put together a state project showing certain areas of the state ie. lakes, mountain regions, etc. Any ideas or suggestions from anyone who may have done a similar project?

What is a good state geography project for an elementary age child ie..using clay, etc. for 3-d effects?windows xp service

I like the idea of using different colored play dough . Use a thin board such as luan and create the shape of the state. Then add mountains from brown, carve out rivers, add blue for lakes ,etc. Seems simple enough to meet the requirements. You could add paper lables posted on toothpicks stuck into the dough before it hardens ifneeded.

What is a good state geography project for an elementary age child ie..using clay, etc. for 3-d effects?microsoft xp internet explorer

Good suggestion, as I teacher, I would love if my students did that.

Everytime i click on a link in ie it automatically closes my browser anyone know why?

I have tried to uninstall and reinstall ie but when i uninstaleld it it brought up a wholle bunch of stuff when i rebooted and came bac on.. had to call tech guys and took 7 hrs to fix.

Everytime i click on a link in ie it automatically closes my browser anyone know why?microsoft visual studio

Its time to change!

Opera "The Fastest browser on Earth"

Get one yours here,

Everytime i click on a link in ie it automatically closes my browser anyone know why?ie internet explorer

Oh man another of this problem... Oh well better download a remover on this link..
Your system is affected with a virus and need to be eliminated. Get good anti virus programme and run it to remove the viruses otherwise you need to re-format your hard disk.
Just use a different browser already

PcWorld Magazine:

"...a virtual engraved invitation to hackers and other digital delinquents, Internet Explorer 6.x might be the least secure software on the planet",125772...


Can someone please tell me why my internet explorer keeps saying my ie is out of date and how do i f

can some1 plz tell me why my internet explorer keeps saying the ie is out of date and how do i fix the problem please many thx from desperate

Can someone please tell me why my internet explorer keeps saying my ie is out of date and how do i fix it thx?windows xp sp2

Maybe u are on internet explorer 6. Go to Microsoft's site and download the latest one Ie 7. Hope that helps.

Can someone please tell me why my internet explorer keeps saying my ie is out of date and how do i fix it thx?microsoft sql server internet explorer

update it
is it letting you access the internet at all? If so go to the MS website and download the newest version. If not... Then... I don't know...
go to and download the IE update
Download the current version or switch to Firefox and they keep you updated automatically.
Usually IE has software updates, my suggestion would be to get the newest one you can find and see if there some kind of automatic update feature. This comes in handy, because i know I always forget to look for updates. I believe 7 is the newest IE version.
Switch to Firefox. You'll like it a lot better.

Anyone having problems with ASP.NET 2.0 and certain versions of IE?

We recently upgraded our website from .NET 1.1 to .NET 2.0 and we are all of a sudden having some odd problems with certain versions of IE (we think we've narrowed it down to v2800).

For instance, when an AJAX call is made it will just "hang" for minutes at a time. We also get the same result with some very basic web controls like LinkButtons.

Has anyone else seen something similar to this or know what the problem may be? Upgrading browsers isn't an option because it's thousands of people and that would be pretty difficult.

Anyone having problems with ASP.NET 2.0 and certain versions of IE?windows server 2003

sure sounds like it's the server config or your app.. check the logs, how long does it take to make a trivial ajax call. is there something you are doing different in the http headers? does 2800 introduce some different encoding?

I'll throw in... that's what you get for trusting microsoft!

I am using Windows XP & IE Ver 7.0.6000.16544 and I do not get images/pictures in incoming email

Also will get comment "IE cannot show site" on the Popup screen above the Email - Pop up blocker is off and The "HTML comment ...." is not being shown at end of email.

I am using Windows XP %26amp; IE Ver 7.0.6000.16544 and I do not get images/pictures in incoming emails only box %26amp; Xwindows xp pro

To troubleshoot this issue, follow these steps. After each step, check to see if the issue is

resolved. If the issue still occurs, continue troubleshooting with the next step: 1. Clear

temporary Internet files. To clear temporary Internet files, follow these steps: a. On the

Tools menu, click Internet Options.

b. On the General tab, click Delete Files under Temporary Internet files.

c. Select the Delete all offline content check box, and then click OK.

d. Click OK to close the Internet Options window.

2. Right-click the red X or placeholder for the image, and then click Properties. Verify

that the image type is supported by Internet Explorer by examining the Type or Address

(URL) values in the Properties dialog box. For example, a Graphics Interchange Format

(GIF) file will list GIF Image for Type and the Address (URL) ends with .gif. Internet

Explorer displays images with an .art, .wmf, .emf, .png, .mov, .xbm, .avi, .mpg, .gif, .jpg,

.mpeg, and .bmp extensions.

3. Start Internet Explorer.

4. If you have the Toggle Images.exe Web accessory installed, click the Toggle

Images.exe link on the Links toolbar to turn on images.

Note If the Links toolbar is not visible, right-click a blank area of the toolbar and verify

that there is a check next to Links. If the Toggle Images.exe link is not visible on the

Links toolbar, click the arrow with two angle brackets on the far right-side of the Links


5. Verify that Show Pictures has not been turned off in Internet Explorer: a. On the Tools

menu, click Internet Options.

b. Click the Advanced tab, and then verify that the Show Pictures check box is selected

under Multimedia.

c. Click OK.

6. Make sure scripting, ActiveX controls, cookies, and Java applets are enabled in

Internet Explorer. To do so, follow these steps: a. On the Tools menu, click Internet


b. Click the Security tab, and then click Default Level (if it is available) for the zone

which contains the Web page (for example, Internet).

c. If you are using Internet Explorer 6, click the Privacy tab, and then click Default (if it

is available).

Why does my Computer displays every item in a CD with the IE icon?

It happens ONLY when I browse a CD, all files and folders have the IE icon, but on double click the files open with the right program, the folders take me to its content without problem. C:drive is fine, USB memmories are fine, it just started last friday on CD's for no apparen reason. is it a virus? please, help!

Why does my Computer displays every item in a CD with the IE icon?windows 98

ok, u need to reinstall windows xp again, if it is spreaded to other drives too, then u might have to format the whole hard drive, but try formating the drive C, then install windows xp, if it keeps doing the same thing, i suggest u format the whole drive.

How do i get headers to print out on IE web pages?

I want the website name and date printed to come out. is this printer options or IE options or what?

How do i get headers to print out on IE web pages?microsoft xp

open IE, go to 'Page Setup'

in the 'Footer' window, enter this:


this should work, if it still won't print the URL and date, go to 'Print Preview', there is a button 'Turn headers and footers on or off', try this...

Is there another program similar to site advisor that is compatible with ie 7?

i have ie 7 installed and cant get site advisor to run obviously due to the beta situation does anyone know of another program i can use.

Is there another program similar to site advisor that is compatible with ie 7?windows xp professional

McAfee site advisor works well...{:-{}.

Is there another program similar to site advisor that is compatible with ie 7?windows xp home internet explorer

hey, you asked me how to get poweriso to open your .daa files. heres how to get the program

download, install, and run uTorrent from

download, install, and run PowerISO from

once you open your PowerISO program, locate your .daa file and extract (same as extracting files from winzip)

My space code works with mozzila on my comp but not on IE ????

i made my my space with a code generator, i love it , and dont want to loose it,the only problem is it doesnt work in IE for my freinds ... i think the code is messed up but i dont know where ?? .. can anyone please help... would hate to to lose this tasty space...

%26lt;a href=" target="_blank"%26gt;%26lt;img src=" border="0" alt="Photobucket"%26gt;%26lt;/a%26gt;

%26lt;p style="visibility:visible;"%26gt;%26lt;object type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowScriptAccess="never" allowNetworking="internal" height="320" width="426" style="width:426px;height:320px" data="

%26lt;param name="allowScriptAccess" value="never" /%26gt;

%26lt;param name="allowNetworking" value="internal" /%26gt;

%26lt;param name="movie" value=" /%26gt;

%26lt;param name="quality" value="high" /%26gt;

%26lt;param name="scale" value="noscale" /%26gt;

%26lt;param name="salign" value="l" /%26gt;

%26lt;param name="wmode" value="transparent" /%26gt;

%26lt;param name="flashvars" value="cy=ms%26amp;il=1%26amp;channel=23058430092168... /%26gt;

%26lt;/object%26gt;%26lt;p%26gt;%26lt;a href=" target="_blank"%26gt;%26lt;img src=" border="0" ismap="ismap" /%26gt;%26lt;/a%26gt; %26lt;a href=" target="_blank"%26gt;%26lt;img src=" border="0" ismap="ismap" /%26gt;%26lt;/a%26gt;%26lt;/p%26gt;%26lt;/p%26gt;

In case you haven't noticed, Yes i love the Grateful Dead. Jerry Garcia was sent from above to bring musical and spiritual joy to the hearts of many. R.I.P jerry but don't forget to visit us . Music is my soul and my life. I am a free spirit, trying to live in the moment, one with the universe. Had my ups and downs. But try to find happiness within. I don't drink or do any drugs , i don't need to. I Love all my friends , those who have come and gone, and never regretted my life for one minute. I love my genetic family , esp my nephews and nieces. as well%26lt;style type="text/css"%26gt;

%26lt;style type="text/css"%26gt;

{ Background Properties }

table, tr, td { background-color:transparent; border:none; border-width:0;}

body {




background-position:center center;










} { Table Properties }

table table { border: 0px }

table table table table{border:0px}

table, tr, td { background-color:transparent; border:none; border-width:0;}

table table table {








background-position:top center;

filter:alpha(opacity=90); -moz-opacity:0.90; opacity:0.90; -khtml-opacity:0.90;


table table td font {background-color:000000000B64; padding-top:5px; padding-bottom:5px; padding-left:20px; padding-right:20px;}

table div div {background-color:none000000000B64;}

table table table table td {filter:none;}

table table table table {border:0px;}

td.text table, td.text table td {width:400px; padding:0px;}

td.text table table table table, td.text table table table table td {width:0px;}

table table td {width:10px;}

div table table td, table table table td {width:auto;}

td.text td.text table table div, td.text td.text table table a img {height:75px; width:90px !important; border-width:4px;}

{ Text Properties }

table, tr, td, li, p, div {font-family:tahoma !important; font-size:14px !important; color:990000 !important; font-weight:bold; }

.btext, .orangetext15, .nametext, .whitetext12 {font-family:comic sans ms !important; font-size:14px !important; color:990000 !important; font-weight:bold; font-style:normal; }

.blacktext10, .blacktext11, .blacktext12, .lightbluetext8, .redtext, .redbtext, .text {color:CC0033 !important; font-weight:bold; font-style:normal; }

{ Link Properties }

a:active, a:visited, a:link {font-family:tahoma !important; color:FF0000 !important; font-weight:bold; font-style:normal; }

a:hover {font-family:georgia !important; color:FFFFFF !important; font-weight:normal; font-style:normal; }

{ Tweaks }

div td font {visibility:hidden;} .navbar {visibility:visible;}

table tbody td table tbody tr td.text table {visibility:hidden;}

table tbody td table tbody tr td.text table table, table tbody td table tbody tr td.text table table tbody td.text {visibility:visible;}

a.text, table div font a, table div div {visibility:hidden;}

div table td font {display: none;}

table {direction:rtl;}

table table table {direction:ltr;}

%26lt;/style%26gt;%26lt;div%26gt;%26lt;a href=" target="_blank"%26gt;%26lt;img src=" alt="Myspace Layouts" align="left" border="0" /%26gt;%26lt;/a%26gt;%26lt;a href=" target="_blank" style="font-size:13px"%26gt;%26lt;b%26gt;Myspace Layouts%26lt;/b%26gt;%26lt;/a%26gt;

%26lt;a href=" target="_blank" style="font-size:13px"%26gt;%26lt;b%26gt;Myspace Codes%26lt;/b%26gt;%26lt;/a%26gt;

%26lt;a href="/"" target="_blank" style="font-size:13px"%26gt;%26lt;b%26gt;Myspace Generators%26lt;/b%26gt;%26lt;/a%26gt;

%26lt;a href=" target="_blank" style="font-size:13px"%26gt;%26lt;b%26gt;Myspace Backgrounds%26lt;/b%26gt;%26lt;/a%26gt;%26lt;/div%26gt;

%26lt;div style="text-align: center; margin-left: auto; visibility:visible; margin-right: auto; width:450px;"%26gt;%26lt;object type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowScriptAccess="never" allowNetworking="internal" height="270" width="435" style="width:435px; visibility:visible; height:270px;" border="0" data="

%26lt;param name="allowScriptAccess" value="never" /%26gt;

%26lt;param name="allowNetworking" value="internal" /%26gt;

%26lt;param name="movie" value=" /%26gt;

%26lt;param name="menu" value="false" /%26gt;

%26lt;param name="quality" value="high" /%26gt;

%26lt;param name="wmode" value="transparent" /%26gt;

%26lt;/object%26gt;%26lt;BR%26gt;%26lt;a href= src= border=0%26gt;%26lt;/a%26gt;%26lt;a href= target=_blank%26gt;%26lt;img src= border=0%26gt;%26lt;/a%26gt;%26lt;a href= src= border=0%26gt;%26lt;/a%26gt; %26lt;/div%26gt;

My space code works with mozzila on my comp but not on IE ????windows mail

If you talk to any web developer the one thing they'll tell you is the hardest part of their job is getting their web page to work on IE. The code you provided is pretty long to have to go through and finding where IE is having trouble rendering the page. Honestly, your best bet is to find a different code generator and test it on both IE and Mozilla.

My space code works with mozzila on my comp but not on IE ????microsoft maps internet explorer

The code isn't meant for I E thats why it doesn't work mate.
The code is simply HTML and if it works with Mozzila it should work in any other modern browser.

You need to be more specific about what IE users are seeing (if anything).

Does Yahoo Messenger cause a problem with IE on Windows XP?

I just installed Yahoo messenger and now my IE is freezing up. I didn't open messenger today and I'm not having that problem. Is there some sort of fix for this problem?

Does Yahoo Messenger cause a problem with IE on Windows XP?microsoft net framework

Sometimes your pop up blocker on yahoo tool bar can cause a problem. Try turning it off when you have the problem again.

Does Yahoo Messenger cause a problem with IE on Windows XP?windows xp themes internet explorer

some times it can, also some viruses can do and make it look like somthing else
the new yahoo is crap uninstall that one and download yahoo 5.6.1254 your have no problem at all with 5.6.1254
best answer -

dear member ,

i dont catch any problem that u define but still i will help you please for last time follow the step i m writing here

start %26gt; run %26gt; msconfig %26gt; startup tab %26gt; remove check from ymsgr

if there is no entry there then go to ur yahoo msgr %26gt; messenger %26gt; preference %26gt; general %26gt; remove check from autmatically start check

and last thing is that go to

start menu %26gt; all programs %26gt; right click on internet explorer %26gt; properties %26gt; shortcut tab %26gt; in targe tab %26gt; in last give space then type this "-nohome" (without commas)

this all tweaks fast up ur pc and u will never c freezes again!!!


Is foxfire really better then IE?

i dont trust it. IE has served me well, is the standard package, and i have had no problems. y complicate things with an orange icon, different setups, and so called benefits?

Is foxfire really better then IE?windows live

i think its better

Is foxfire really better then IE?windows media player 11 internet explorer

that's mozilla FIRE FOX, not foxfire, and it is a heck of a lot better... it never freezes up, ever!
Yes. Firefox has all of the same features as IE but they're categorized better which gives it a cleaner appearance.
Well firefox is much better than IE.
yes ive loved it ever since i got the "stumble" button
it's not much better and you have to have a lot of extra downloads

btw it's firefox
Yep Im using it now.
i like it alot better because i feel like i have a safer connection and i get less pop ups.
I like it better, I like the "tab" option.
Much better! I also use Opera. I haven't used IE in years.
dont be a tool, firefox is way faster and doesn't load your computer with viruses or spyware..
i don't think it's really better, but i do use it. can have multiple tabs and pages open at the same time. but other than that not much different than ie in my opinion.
If you have all the microsoft updates IE works very well. I do not use firefox. But that is my choice.
firefox is 10 times better the IE could ever be, and you are able to delete everything after you are finished browsing, without any problems
heck yeah. it's SO much better. I don't get all the viruses. Every time I open up IE, I get tons of viruses. I've had it for over a year, and haven't had any problems.
Yeah, I like it a lot. Never had any problems with it. It comes with a lot of extra features that make things easier.
Fire fox is more secure than IE because IE allows instllation of activeX controls by default, meaning that you are screwed if a page has a malicious activeX control. Also, there are more tools for Firefox than IE because IE is a security hole disguised as a program.
No, I tried using it for a few days, and I didn't like it. I switched back to IE.
It's my favorite %26amp; I've tried them all.
Firefox is a much better browser. It's quicker, more stable, and is more secure. It's worth downloading for the tabbed browsing alone.

Plus another thing that makes Firefox better is it's extension model. If you want your web browser to do something, say have your media player controls in the bottom, someone has written an extension for it.

I recommend Firefox to everyone, and you will be glad if you make the switch. It's free so there is no risk, it's not like you can't still use IE if you want.
I think it depends on the User, Mozilla FoxFire allows some things to operate more smothly if you didnt have your IE browser set up correctly. But I perfer IE, have never had any problems with it. %26amp; refuse to let Mozilla FoxFire even be installed on my computer.
Get the new IE! It's got tabs like firefox, and is the ****.
Although you may not trust it, Firefox is a lot more secure and better than IE at blocking unwanted scripts which may cause unwanted and harmful files to be downloaded on your computer. Additionally firefox is faster (through optimized code) and a lot easier to use than IE.

If you get firefox, make sure you get the "NoScript" plugin which will make it even more secure for browsing and keeping your computer virus free (which IE, frankly, sucks at).
If you are useing IE and dont have any problems with it, dont fix something thats not broke
Well if you don't trust it than you shouldn't do it. But I use Firefox and I love it. One word.....tabs.
Then why are you asking if you do not trust it? Keep using your IE. Fire fox works better on a MAC.
You'll have to download some plug-ins right off the bat with Firefox. All in all, it's just a matter of preference. Firefox does seem to be a little more stable, but I've run into a few sites that it's not as compatible with, as IE. I'm a Mac user who happens to work in a PC world. I use Firefox at work, but that's only because my company's version of IE doesn't have tabbed browsing. If you're comfortable with IE, and it works for you -- that's all you need.
i like firefox, you can press open new webpages inside tabs instead of new windows, that will stop cluttering up your taskbar.

the popup blocker is simplier to use, adn more effective. and the web settings, controls, options are all simplified into one menu. oh yeah, the upper right hand corner search box is very handy. you don't need to type in, all you have to do is type in your search term, click enter, and firfox goes to to search. you can add yahoo search engines and other engines to that box as options if you want.

there's more to firefox.
firefox really better then ie try it

heres the beta version
Perhaps you are the same person who did trust MS when they claimed IE does not make it easy for viruses, or spyware, or idiots to write the dozen or so sites that require IE.

Trust who you will..

I say, Anything but IE!
it has less possible virus attack for sure.most virus aim at ie.

I am trying to make IE my default but despite ticking the box I am still getting emails on my yahoo

I am currently using yahoo mail and have tried unsuccessfully to properly use Internet Explorer. II have ticked the box which asks me if I want to make IE my default, but I continue to get messages in my previous email system. Would be most grateful for any advice.

I am trying to make IE my default but despite ticking the box I am still getting emails on my yahoo system helmicrosoft office

Making outlook or outlook express your default mailbox, will not stop your mail labeled with ???? from going to the yahoo mail server. There is a way to forward your email to another server. Check the mail help.

Why won't this site display correctly in IE?

Displays perfectly in Firefox, but Iframe is messed up in IE.

Any suggestions on how to fix this?

Why won't this site display correctly in IE?windows firewall

IE handles some style sheet properties differently than Firefox does. Word on the street is that Firefox is more standards compliant than IE and adheres to stricter design rules. While IE tries to adjust for some abnormalities, it falls short on some items that matter most.

Why won't this site display correctly in IE?microsoft frontpage internet explorer

I'd start by fixing the machine detectable syntax errors. Different browsers recover from error in different ways, it is better to avoid producing errors that they have to recover from in the first place.
Get rid of the iframe and use a div with styling that will give the div an overflow with a scrollbar.


%26lt;div id="textarea"%26gt;




#textarea {

overflow: auto; ("scroll" will work as well)


IE handles styling differently. Very differently. The rendering engine is the supreme work of Micro$oft and it's brilliant core of engineers that know nothing about web standards or the box model.

Firefox does adhere to web standards nicely, but Opera is the browser that stick to web standards more than Firefox does. Both browsers are great.

The way to fix it is to use a conditional comment

%26lt;!--[if lte IE 7]%26gt;

%26lt;link rel="stylesheet" href="IEbugs.css" type="text/css" /%26gt;


etc. You can find a great article here:

Everyone should be using this method and no longer using CSS hacks for their stylesheets. Using separate stylesheets for IE6 and IE7 as well as a main stylesheet for compliant browsers makes editing a debugging a lot easier and a lot less hair pulling. Trust me. I have been doing it for 1+ years now and it has simplified my life.
Although the problem is probably in your css being misinterpreted by IE. I would also clean up the HTML as well as it has 96 errors on that page in HTML according to the validation tool.

After getting the HTML to validate I would then clean up the CSS to a validation level. Then I would isolate the errors in the display and if need be use conditional comments to correct the differences. I would test in IE6, IE7, Firefox at a minimum. I would also suggest having it tested in Safari as well.

It currently seems to show up fine in IE7 so your problem if it is not already fixed was probably with a lower version of IE.

Hope that helps


The following are some of my personal web sites

YAHOO Toolbar not working with IE Beta...Why??

downloaded the current update for Toolbar, and WHAMO...IE 7.0 willllnot start-up without going to error message. It worked before update. So i deleted Toolbar from system, and tried to reload. Still happens....

YAHOO Toolbar not working with IE Beta...Why??microsoft zune

I have Internet Explorer 7 Beta3 and I don't have any problems with Yahoo! Toolbar, but I haven't downloaded the latest Yahoo! Toolbar with Norton Spyware Scan. I am still using the one with Anti-Spy. Thanks to your question, I will keep the toolbar with Anti-Spy and not upgrade.


You can do a system restore. Click Start %26gt; All Programs %26gt; Accessories %26gt; System Tools %26gt; click System Restore and restore back to a point that it worked. The only problem is you will lose any downloads or changes you made after that restore point.

YAHOO Toolbar not working with IE Beta...Why??windows nt internet explorer

Because IE7 is still in the Beta.

Y! Toolbar works either for IE6,or Mozilla Firefox.
hi, perhaps you can try firefox and google toolbar. which maybe more powerful and easy to use.

just have a try. free download:

good Luck

Which would you prefer to surf Internet? Opera, IE or Firefox or a different browser?

Started surfing Internet with plain IE (as most people do when the computer is purchased). Then tried some other ones and liked them better. Each one has something good to offer, so which one suits your Internet-based needs better?

Which would you prefer to surf Internet? Opera, IE or Firefox or a different browser?windows messenger

Above's FIREFOX....

If you don't have it better get with the Program...

(Just use your IE (no, you DON'T want to uninstall it) for Windows Updates)

@ Mike

Sorry, IE7 does NOT compare to's laden down with too many bells and whistles which makes it hard to work with.

In fact, I went back to IE6 after becoming very unhappy with IE7.

But hey! each to his own.

Which would you prefer to surf Internet? Opera, IE or Firefox or a different browser?microsoft works internet explorer

Definitely Mozilla Firefox. I love Mozilla. I think they're one of the best browsers. One of the first to have tabs (although IE has now stolen that feature, big surprise). I like Mozilla so much, I downloaded their e-mail client, Thunderbird, which is also very good.
Havent used Opera.

IE for me (1.something ghz laptop) IE starts a little faster than Firefox, probably because the code is writen into the OS and in a way is always running.

the newest IE has all of the features that Firefox has accept for 2. Firefox has all of the features that IE offeres.

Firefox has realtime spell check, and another feature that i miss that im too tired to remember. I will be going back to firefox after i get doen on yahoo answers tonight.

oh, its the realtime search function. its ALOT faster than the IE search method.
Anything MOZILLA fosho, they just introduced a new browser called seamonkey. It has alot of cool built in features like email, news reader, HTML editor just to name a few.
Currently, firefox, but as soon as safari is out of beta for the pc, it'll be that.....

I use safari on my macs.
Firefox if you know what you're doing. IE if you're an idiot, and Opera if you have no other choice.
Well in my early internet days I started surfing the net with IE and Netscape (not counting those other *few* times b4 that, that I had surfed with some text browser)

I prefer surfing the net with Firefox, unless a site specifically makes me use Opera or IE (for various reasons I will not explain here).

Why won't this site display correctly in IE?

Displays perfectly in Firefox, but Iframe is messed up in IE.

Any suggestions on how to fix this?

Why won't this site display correctly in IE?windows firewall

IE handles some style sheet properties differently than Firefox does. Word on the street is that Firefox is more standards compliant than IE and adheres to stricter design rules. While IE tries to adjust for some abnormalities, it falls short on some items that matter most.

Why won't this site display correctly in IE?microsoft frontpage internet explorer

I'd start by fixing the machine detectable syntax errors. Different browsers recover from error in different ways, it is better to avoid producing errors that they have to recover from in the first place.
Get rid of the iframe and use a div with styling that will give the div an overflow with a scrollbar.


%26lt;div id="textarea"%26gt;




#textarea {

overflow: auto; ("scroll" will work as well)


IE handles styling differently. Very differently. The rendering engine is the supreme work of Micro$oft and it's brilliant core of engineers that know nothing about web standards or the box model.

Firefox does adhere to web standards nicely, but Opera is the browser that stick to web standards more than Firefox does. Both browsers are great.

The way to fix it is to use a conditional comment

%26lt;!--[if lte IE 7]%26gt;

%26lt;link rel="stylesheet" href="IEbugs.css" type="text/css" /%26gt;


etc. You can find a great article here:

Everyone should be using this method and no longer using CSS hacks for their stylesheets. Using separate stylesheets for IE6 and IE7 as well as a main stylesheet for compliant browsers makes editing a debugging a lot easier and a lot less hair pulling. Trust me. I have been doing it for 1+ years now and it has simplified my life.
Although the problem is probably in your css being misinterpreted by IE. I would also clean up the HTML as well as it has 96 errors on that page in HTML according to the validation tool.

After getting the HTML to validate I would then clean up the CSS to a validation level. Then I would isolate the errors in the display and if need be use conditional comments to correct the differences. I would test in IE6, IE7, Firefox at a minimum. I would also suggest having it tested in Safari as well.

It currently seems to show up fine in IE7 so your problem if it is not already fixed was probably with a lower version of IE.

Hope that helps


The following are some of my personal web sites

Would like to know how to download (ie) picture's from a web site to a Disc. Thanks asilver sur

I am currently on a course and have been asked to do an ad, I would like to know how to download picture's from ie (any search engine) to a disc

Would like to know how to download (ie) picture's from a web site to a Disc. Thanks asilver surfer newbee?microsoft outlook

That is a two step process. Right click on the picture and select to save it to your computer. Now right click on the picture and select send to DVD/RW or CD/RW drive. Do this for each picture and then go to the drive and from file select burn CD.

Is there a software program that easily imports/exports bookmarks (favorites) between IE & Firef

I am on a shared pc. I sometimes use Mozilla, but for streaming media I use IE. I I would like to keep the bookmarks/favorites in sync between the two web browsers if possible. Thank you Yahooers,


Is there a software program that easily imports/exports bookmarks (favorites) between IE %26amp; Firefox?windows explorer

Don't know of any program can do that --keep bookmark/favorites in sync. But it's not hard to do it yourself, just open the browser and on the Toolbar choose Bookmarks and you can import or export bookmark to the browser you want. Of course you have to do quite often if you keep adding bookmarks but that's the only way i know. Check the Firefox extensions page, someone may have written an extension just to do that.

Is there a software program that easily imports/exports bookmarks (favorites) between IE %26amp; Firefox?microsoft zune internet explorer

You can import the bookmarks directly from the browser. For instance, if you wanna import boomarks to Firefox from IE, open up Firefox and click on File %26gt; Import %26gt;

Then select the browser you want to import from (IE in this case) and the rest of it is self explanatory.

"not enough storage is available to complete this operation" - error on my IE script! How

When I try to send messages to my contacts, a window appears and says "not enough storage is available to complete this operation" on IE script! Please, explaine me whats this about and tell me how to solve this thing.

"not enough storage is available to complete this operation" - error on my IE script! How to solve it?microsoft works

1.) You may have too many programs running in the background draining your system's resources. Below you will find instructions concerning accessing your START UP MANAGER on your computer. Do NOT disable your firewall, anti-virus or any programs you are unsure of what they are! You will be looking for programs you've downloaded or installed from a CD that aren't programs needed to operate your computer! (If you are unable to use the msconfig method, there are freeware programs online you can download. Do an advanced Google search for FREEWARE and Startup Utility or Startup Manager.)

Click on: Start

Click on: Run

Type: msconfig

Click on: Startup

Uncheck: All programs which you don't need starting up every time you reboot or restart your computer.

2.) RESTART your computer now.

3.) While using Yahoo Messenger, only have one browser window open when you are on the Internet chatting through Yahoo Messenger and close all other applications you were using such as Limewire, Paint, Word, etc. because they ALL use up memory. Having too many programs and applications running will cause your Yahoo Messenger to lag or malfunction.

4.) If (Steps 1-4) do NOT solve your problem, try un-installing then re-installing your Yahoo Messenger:

How to un-install Yahoo Messenger:

Close Yahoo Messenger

Click on: Start

Click on: Control Panel

Click on: Add/remove programs

Locate and remove Yahoo Messenger

5.) Download Yahoo Messenger:

Yahoo Messenger 8.1 for Windows:

Yahoo Messenger for Vista:

6.) If none of the above suggestions solve your problem:

Here is a link to a Yahoo Messenger Help Request Form. Since they don't provide categories for EVERY problem or question type, pick one that fits as close as possible to your problem, making sure to go into a lot of detail when describing your issue(s) or asking a question:

How do I change my search engine int ie address bar?

Had msn as my search engine in the ie address bar (default), but for some reason I'm getting the Net Zero search engine. How do I make msn my home page and windows live as my search engine?

How do I change my search engine int ie address bar?microsoft internet explorer

If you are using IE7, you can arrow down to search for a prefer search engine.

How do I change my search engine int ie address bar?microsoft downloads internet explorer

What version of IE do you use? If you're using IE 7, hold down the Alt key and press T (Tools menu), then choose Options. Go to the General tab, and you'll see a Search section. Click Settings under Search, and you can select any of these options as your default. If the search engine you want to use as your default is not listed, click "Find more providers".
go to tool-internet option or through control panel in the general tab change the setting for the search default
click down arrow of search box and click on last option 'Change Search Default'

I need to get the tool bar at the bottom of my IE page back...?

I just downloaded IE7pro,

That is what came up on my web browser once it had downloaded. As you can see it says to right click the image on the tool bar at the bottom of my IE page, but I don't have that.. I used to, but I must've pressed something to get rid of it. Does anyone know how to get it back?

I think you can tell that I'm not a computer whizz.

I need to get the tool bar at the bottom of my IE page back...?windows media

If you hover your mouse cursor over where the toolbar should be does it appear. If it does right click on the toolbar and choose Properties. Under Taskbar Appearance untick 'autohide toolbar'. Hope this helps.

I need to get the tool bar at the bottom of my IE page back...?microsoft exchange internet explorer

try pressing F11 might help

How do i open up a link on IE in a new tab if i have yahoo toolbar downloaded?

i have the yahoo toolbar downloaded to my IE browser. i was able to open up links in a page to a new tab a couple of days ago. when i tried to open up a link within a page to a new tab today, i couldn't and was only able to open up in a new window. how do i enable this functionality again? thanks.

How do i open up a link on IE in a new tab if i have yahoo toolbar downloaded?microsoft net framework

Go to toolbar options and click "Enable Tabbed Browsing."

How do i open up a link on IE in a new tab if i have yahoo toolbar downloaded?windows xp themes internet explorer

Contact Yahoo! Customer Care:
I used to be able to right-click and get Open In New Tab -- using Yahoo! Toolbar and IE6.

That is missing now, and is a bug.

I've contacted Customer Care. You can let them know too:



I am connected it internet& firefox works but ie doesnt.?

my modem and everything works but i can download stuff.

when i download stuff like installers, they need ie i think to download "packages" -cant insstall anything

i think i need to fix my ip

does anyone know a place where i can repair my ip to default?? if u do, list the website(s)

I am connected it internet%26amp; firefox works but ie doesnt.?microsoft powerpoint

IE is at least as vulnerable to viruses as Firefox. (I use IE for one purpose only - connecting to a particular VPN for which there's no client that runs under Firefox.) I've never found a program I can download with IE that I can't download with Firefox.

(Firefox and IE use the same information to connect to the internet, so you evidently changed something between the last time IE worked and the first time it didn't. Figure out what that was and change it back.)

Yahoo Messenger email Notification does not open New IE Window?

I have a problem with Yahoo Messenger, I get the Email notification icon but when i click it , IE does not Open automatically. I have to manually open IE and check my email. I have Yahoo Messenger 7.5 installed on Windows XP SP2. I have the Same Problem with Other Apps (For Ex Southwest DING !!!).

Can somebody suggest a Solution for the Above Problem ?


Yahoo Messenger email Notification does not open New IE Window?ie tab

Try FireFox.

The award-winning, free Web browser is better than ever. Browse the Web with confidence - Firefox protects you from viruses, spyware and pop-ups. Enjoy improvements to performance, ease of use and privacy. It's easy to import your favorites and settings and get started. Download Firefox now and get the most out of the Web.

Here to Download for free: (New Bebo)?

Does anyone know how you register for I cant figure it out there is no link to crate a page....Please help!!!!!!!!!!! (New Bebo)?download windows media player


You can sign up right now. It appears they removed the sign up button on a temporary basis while upgrading the server to accommondate for the traffic. Check out now! It's really cool! (New Bebo)?internet explorer update internet explorer

After looking, I dont think theres a link! Sh!te lol.
I did that to and can't find it, try conatcting them, there are links at the bottom of the webpage

Get "no module" or "empty module" message when I click on my IE.?

before I take this to the computer repair place can someone give me an idea why. IN other words, when I click on IE I cannot open any web sites at all. Thank you for your help and possibly saving me a lot of $$$!

I have a dial up modem on a Sony VAIO that is only about 2 yrs old

Get "no module" or "empty module" message when I click on my IE.?windows updates

Sounds like your Internet Explorer is corrupted,I suggest a repair of the program files.

This is quite easy and there are two ways to go about it.

Method 1: Microsoft Internet Explorer 6.x Repair for Windows XP

From the Start menu, select Run.

In the Open field, type sfc /scannow (Note: There is a space between sfc and /scannow)

Select the OK button.

Follow the prompts throughout the System File Checker process.

Reboot the computer when System File Checker completes.

Method 2: Microsoft Internet Explorer 6.x Repair for Windows XP

From the Start menu, select Search, select All Files and Folders.

Select More Advanced Options and place a checkmark beside Search Hidden Files and Folders option.

Ensure that Search System Folders and Search Subfolders are also checked.

In the All or Part of the File Name box, type ie.inf

In the Look In drop-down menu, select C: or the letter of the hard drive that contains the Windows folder.

Click the Search button.

In the search results pane, find the ie.inf file located in Windows\Inf folder.

Right click the ie.inf file and click Install on the context menu.

Reboot the computer when the file copy process is complete.

That should fix your problem.

Can U falsify(prove false) a tautology or a self-evident proposition(ie axiom)? What kind of proposi

Can U falsify(prove false) a tautology or a self-evident proposition(ie axiom)? What kind of *meaningful* propositions can you falsify?

Can U falsify(prove false) a tautology or a self-evident proposition(ie axiom)? What kind of propositions can?windows messenger

A tautology is a statement that is true by definition. More precisely, it is a statement in which the subect and the predicate contain the same information. e.g. "A bachelor is an unmarried man."

It makes no sense to speak of proving a tautology false.

Disproving an axiom doesn't make sense either: accepting axioms like the law of contradiction (A and not A is always false) are preconditions for proving anything at all.

HOWEVER, one can prove that an axiom is unnecessary, and should therefore be either discarded or treated as one of a number of alternative axioms.

A good example of the latter would be the fate of the parallel postulate--an axiom of geometry that states that two parallel lines have no points in common.

This axiom was regarded as a necessary truth from the time of Euclid to the nineteenth century. Then some prominent mathematician (I forget his name) tried to create a geometry in which which parallel lines always meet at two points.

To the surprise of those who thought that Euclid's geometry represented necessary truths, this new geometry proved to be consistent. In fact, assuming that parallel lines meet at two points produces the geometry of the surface of a sphere, rather than a Euclidian plane. The "lines" on the sphere are great circles, or circumfrences, which always meet at two points.

Other geometries have been developed too.

Can U falsify(prove false) a tautology or a self-evident proposition(ie axiom)? What kind of propositions can?microsoft works internet explorer

Obviously, one can not falsify a tautology as such. One might falsify a proposition that had been mistakenly thought to be a tautology, though.

This could happen through the discovery of an unexpected ambiguity in the terms of the initial statement.

Example: "Atoms can't be divided."

On one level, this is a tautology. "Indivisible" is the literal meaning of the Greek word "atom". Indivisibles are indivisible. What could be more tautological than that?

But what could have been more convincingly falsified?

The way out of confusion here is to see that there is a important distinction (unknown to the Greeks, and still unknown to those who first developed atom-based chemistry in the modern era) between chemical division and physical division.

Atoms are the smallest units of chemistry. By definition, they can't be divided further by chemical means or into "chemical" units. But they can be physical "split" as the death count at Hiroshima testifies.

Having sore breast 15 days before next cycle ie. dpo 6? Is Conception successful or hormonal imbalan

AF on July 8. Had my CM which is eggwhite transparent on the 19 July ie. Day 12 of my cycle. Had intercourse ttc for few days since Day 12. On Day 18 today ie. dpo 6, I am having sore breast which I usually don't experience this as early as 15 days before my next cycle on August 8.

I also felt dizzy these two days, feeling a little nauseous, and sleepy most of the time. When I sleep, I just don't feel like waking up. I burp a lot, and a lot of gas at the same time.

Am I having symptoms of early pregnancy or is it Hormonal Imbalance? BBT increased since the last 5 days from 96.2 to 100 this morning... Is conception successful or is it my mind is playing tricks? Could someone whom had the same experience shed some advise..? Thanks

Having sore breast 15 days before next cycle ie. dpo 6? Is Conception successful or hormonal imbalance?microsoft powerpoint

i have also asore problem in pregnancy

How do I prevent the "alow activex" bar from appearing in IE?

Im a web designer and only ever use IE for testing purposes. I find it annoying that IE always gives me an activeX warning when there is clearly no activeX in the page.. so I would like to make the site trusted stop the bar from appearing.

Help please!!!

How do I prevent the "alow activex" bar from appearing in IE?windows xp pro

There is a fix, just be careful if you disable this you could possibly put your computer at risk

Disable IE's Information Bar for active content

How do I prevent the "alow activex" bar from appearing in IE?microsoft net framework internet explorer

If you use flash in your website it may appear.

But it is quite normal.

Hope your clients use firefox.
well i feel that these warnings are shown to you only to save your computer from possible viruses or spywares. so you should pay heed to them..!!
I highly recommend NOT disabling it, however if you want to, it can be done under tools, Internet options, Advanced.

What is the formular to out of space. ie water is H2O?

Earths atmosphere consists of ie oxygen %26amp; carbon dioxide .

what are the gases or elements in space, outside the earths atmosphere

What is the formular to out of space. ie water is H2O?microsoft exchange

Space is *not* a perfect vacuum; there are stray molecules of all the elements scattered very thinly everywhere, especially hydrogen which is the most abundant element in the universe. Most of the heavier elements, including those that went into the formation of our sun and planets, were produced in very ancient stars that exploded long ago and blasted them everywhere in space.

What is the formular to out of space. ie water is H2O?windows vista ultimate internet explorer

It's a vacuum, there's no elements at all
nifty... vacuum has a formula?

Outer space is a vacuum or absence of matter. Unless I'm mistaken the distance between atoms/molecules in space is measurable in feet.
there is vacuum in outter space so there are no elements
Mostly Helium %26gt; H
Earths atmosphere is comprised mainly of Nitrogen.Space is mostly vacuum,but there are clouds that contain every natural element in space
The universe is 99 percent Hydrogen. Temperature average 3 degrees Kelvin, meaning there is stuff to measure. A thin veneer agreed, but not empty within the bounds of the galaxy.
Even deep space has a few hydrogen atoms (the simplest element in the universe) per cubic centimetre, so I guess generally speaking the formula for outer space would be H.
its actually about 1 atom per several cubic meters, im studying cosmology, i have to know this rubbish

Why isn't overflow:visible working in ie?

The logo at the top works in firefox, but not in ie. I just tested firefox and ie7, but if anyone could tell me how it looks in other browsers that would be great.

Why isn't overflow:visible working in ie?windows media player 10

Nice template. ie6 has lots of quirks. This is just one.

What you need to do is conditionally include a CSS to take care of ie6 issues.

Since you are using a fixed layout, you can probably get away with using absolute positioning for the logo.

Why isn't overflow:visible working in ie?microsoft net internet explorer


Found your problem. It's Internet Explorer; it's not even supposed to be compatible with standards-based websites.

What is the correct term for a reaction which is fully complete ie used up all precursor material?

I dont think its Reaction end Point as that seems to infer other means of ending the reaction, ie temperature but I might be wrong there.

What is the correct term for a reaction which is fully complete ie used up all precursor material?windows mobile 6

Good question, I'm not actually sure which term you would use in that situation, you say something has reached a steady state when it reaches the equilibrium point but if you've actually used up all your reactants it seems like that should have a different name. Reaction end point is also used to say the reaction has reached completion and perhaps that is more accurate in this case.

What is the correct term for a reaction which is fully complete ie used up all precursor material?microsoft office 2003 internet explorer

Its called an irreversible reaction. End point is a term used in titration.
ouch !! my brain !!
Possibly equillibrium....... Theoretically any reaction should be reversible.

How do I enforce Proxy settings via IE to Computers and not users using Group Policy?

I've recently implemented a Proxy policy by GPO to enforce it's settings onto IE via Users and not Computers. I'd like to do so by machine and not user so I can make sure we are locked down 100%. If anyone can tell me how to do so or direct me to an Administrative Template I'd be very appreciative.

How do I enforce Proxy settings via IE to Computers and not users using Group Policy?microsoft works

You can set the GPO template to apply to either a user object or a computer object.

Have the settings apply down to the OU with all your domain computers in it, and it won't require any specific users to be pushed out.

Why Microsoft is not introduce completely different type browser then unsafe IE?

Why Microsoft is not introducing completly diffrent type of browser then very unsafe IE?It's not make sense to me when Microsoft keep releasing sequirity patches all the times.How about if they could change IE completly similir to Firefox broswer?

Why Microsoft is not introduce completely different type browser then unsafe IE?download windows xp

actually making new browser is not logic when they have one.i think IE is good enough to develope.The reason that IE has so many bug is not the IE itself its because all the hackers are focusing on IE to findout security holes because users of IE is more than users of other explorers.nowadays we can see the number of firefox users are increasing so the hacker attack on firefox also increased and as we see sometimes there is some bug on mozila also.for me firefox and opera are the best i dont like microsoft but they are really powerful.

Why Microsoft is not introduce completely different type browser then unsafe IE?ies internet explorer

Internet explorer is the safest way to browse the internet, it has the highest compatibility for the the operating systems protection, i have never had a virus before and i dont even have virus protection on my pc, if someone gets a virus on their pc its because either they are downloading something that they shouldnt be, or they dont know what they are doing
Anyone with half a brain uses Firefox anyways.

Anyone with a whole brain uses Firefox on Linux.


What's the difference between IE, Opera and Firefox? Which one is the best of them all?

Which of the three browsers are good? And why? Is any of them better in terms of faster web browsing, or better security, etc. etc.? Which one do you recommend? Are there any other web browsers out there that you use, besides the three that you really like?

Considering a change of web browsers (currently using IE) but I don't know which is best. I heard that you need to tweak your Firefox a lot (for enhanced security), so I'm not so sure if I'm up to that. Any ideas what I can use?

What's the difference between IE, Opera and Firefox? Which one is the best of them all?ie

Opera is best, Firefox is second. You don't need to touch either one for security.

What's the difference between IE, Opera and Firefox? Which one is the best of them all?microsoft internet explorer

never used Opera

but Firefox is way better than IE
Firefox is the best in my opinion. It has faster browsing, a lot more security, and it blocks pop-ups. IE has a ton of security flaws with it, even with the patches. Not many people use firefox, the majority uses IE, therefor hackers all target IE.
I dont know, but i like firefox.
Microsoft pays its engineers quite a lot of money to make good software.

It's just that a lot of other (unpaid) people who have too much free time (since they don't work, adding to the unpaid factor) like to write viruses and spyware for IE.

Since Opera and Firefox are less frequently used, most people don't bother writing things to hack them.

But IE is integrated into your operating system, and can be activated from the run menu, and it's perfectly safe if you visit normal websites (non-warez type deals), I suggest IE.
Opera the best then it's firefox. I use firefox the most because you can view internet explorer websites that Opera can't gettin the IE tab extension. Opera is faster than Firefox though. IE is stupid too many flaws. It's so many it will take too long to describe them. To make a long story short Firefox is the one you should use.
FF is the best between IE and FF (never used Opera but I've heard it is good). FF has much more built-in security than IE, not to mention tabbed browsing, themes, and extensions that can allow you to customize your broswer, something IE can't do. FF 2.0 is supposed to give you the ability to recover your bookmarks after a system crash (something you could already do if you know how).
Firefox and Thunderbird are great Open Source working PC programs.

Firefox/Mozilla are good because,,,,,,,,,,no MS branding. You are allowed to change it to anything you like, make it work the way you want it to. Its your pc, kinda, so enjoy the freedom.

Security? there is no security on the Internet. We just bounce along, allowing governments,corps,cops and just about anyone to observe. Want security, get a blanket, unplug the pooter from inet and play solitaire.

Its a strange world, live in it, enjoy the moments that we have and peace be on all.

How can I find temporary Internet files in IE 7 ?

In IE 6, I could find temp Internet files in C:\documents %26amp; settings\local settings\temp Internet files. In this way, I could copy the temp Internet files esp video to view offline. In Internet Explorer 7, the temp folder in C:\ does not list those files any more.

How can I find temporary Internet files in IE 7 ?microsoft office

I believe you will find the answer here:

How can I find temporary Internet files in IE 7 ?opera browser internet explorer

try c:\program files\ and see if it is in the ie folder. i'm on a public computer and that part of the hard drive is blocked. so i can't look for you.

i can't remember if this works or not but click on start button %26gt; find %26gt; and search for "internet files" folder

I want to dye plastic ie. my xbox 360 controller?

I want to dye plastic ie. my xbox 360 controller.

I've seen an article on how to do it but I can't track down any plastic dyes in the UK.

Can anyone help??

I want to dye plastic ie. my xbox 360 controller?windows media center

Plastic has to be dyed when it is cast. When plastic is molded it needs to be bone dry, the amount of heat used will turn any available water to steam and make the plastic bubble. If there were a way to dye plastic it wouldnt be water based. Even if you could do it, it might be easier to just find one the color you want.

I want to dye plastic ie. my xbox 360 controller?nintendo ds browser internet explorerThe plastic is White to begin with. The spray I've seen actually creates a chemical reaction with the plastic allowing it to soak up the dye rather than adding a layer on top which can be scratched off. Report It

How Do I Delete Firefox and Again Make IE My Main Browser?

I had Firefox for a few days, but it's inability to speedily download photos (because it lacks Active X) has me wanting to go back to Internet Explorer.

I can bring up IE for any individual site,but can't seem to again make it my primary browser

How Do I Delete Firefox and Again Make IE My Main Browser?windows themes

To change IE into your default browser, you'll have to:

(1) Launch IE

(2) Go to 'Tools' in your toolbar.

(3) Select 'Internet Options'

(4) Under the 'Programs' tab, click the 'Make Default' tab to make IE your default browser.

Alternatively on XP,

(1) Click 'Start'

(2) Click 'Set Program Access %26amp; Defaults'

(3) Expand the 'Custom' category

(4) Check 'Internet Explorer' under 'Choose a default web browser'

Keep the firefox browser though, surfing via firefox is much faster compared to IE =D

How Do I Delete Firefox and Again Make IE My Main Browser?internet explorer 7 internet explorer

I recommend that keep it for general surfing, but use Internet Explorer for known sites that require ActiveX. It is simply safer to do it that way. Of course, you an always set IE to be the Default browser.

But if you MUST, then open the Control Panel, and get into ADD/REMOVE programs and use the REMOVE button.

Good luck and Happy Computing!

What medical condition means you cant get drunk or stoned ie immune but can get ill?

Can anyone explain or a medical condtion which stops you getting drunk or stoned...

ie a joint or alchol makes you sleepy not high or pissed?

Ie you can get the ill effects but none of the fun stuff? no dutch currage, no tripping, no thinking you are hard or gods gift to women, no doing anything you dont normally do etc

And can it be linked to anything like hypoglycemia, asbergers, race or anything else?

What medical condition means you cant get drunk or stoned ie immune but can get ill?microsoft publisher

I think you are referring to a person with high tolerance to alcohol. There are some theories regarding alcohol. Even taste and tolerance and even addiction to it is linked to genetic factors. So if you got this gene then you willnever get drunk or stoned as you put it.

What medical condition means you cant get drunk or stoned ie immune but can get ill?microsoft live internet explorer

It`s called "ALCOHOLISM"...

Seriously though.. Try Double JD %26amp; Coke or Double Tia Maria in a Pint of Guiness.. That should cure it.
I have that. Seriously.

Beer makes me feel sick, I wake up with a headache but when drinking it only makes me fall asleep or get a headache.

Weed just makes me sleep too I don't get the good effects. For that I need something stronger....
i dunno but is it weird to stalk someone over the internet??
Sooner or later, alcoholic people lose the ability to get high, and just become dull, groggy and stuporous.

It is one of the signs that the disease has progressed.
it means one thing: "ADDICTION" i dont know if there's a medical term for it but for me its mind over body.
You are a born saint!
If you have this, God is trying to tell you something. Perhaps, maybe you should focus on your education and grammatical skills.

Nothing works but IE?

(Looking for specific answers)For windows xp. NONE of my programs will open. I cannot even do sytem restore. only IE. I canceled a defragment, I think that might have something do do with it. If its a virus, I cant run any apps so what should i do to scan? Nothing works in safe mode either...all the exstensions are .exe. I dont have a windows disk. Im pretty good trying to keep my system clean. I have ad-aware pro with ad-watch. When I started the computer and adwatch loaded, a popup came up saying somithig like a file was trying to change my registry. About 20 different popups, I blocked them all. I think that was before I canceled the defragment. Obviously my registery is screwed up Is this fixable?....Is there a way to read the .exe file type so i can run system restore? Also some things work if i open with like notepad, or scan....this sucks....

Nothing works but IE?internet explorer 7

I have to agree with Phil -- but you aren't describing the screens, so it could be something else too. Ad-aware only checks for spyware -- you need to check for viruses too.

AVG is a good free one, as is symantec -- and I think (but am not sure) that both have an online version that will scan you remotely. You may want to try that. It may not be a registry thing, but a virus and you may get lucky.

Nothing works but IE?microsoft word internet explorer

nah sorry dude, if it hit your registry, your sol. Try to find a windows disc, maybe from school or a friend or something. or see if you can do a system restore..not the microsoft app but the actual wiping of the system to start fresh, i know dell does this, ill give you the link for dells if you have a different one try to improvise. good luck, hope everything works out

I've deleted firefox, now Yahoo mail won't open in IE from messenger.?

My stepson persuaded me that Firefox would be a good idea as well as Internet Explorer.

Immediatly I noticed that some programmes would open in Firefox but no longer in IE (Yahoo mail, and profiles, accessed from Messenger friends list, as an example), and (to be honest) I didn't like Firefox.

So I asked my stepson, an IT technician, whether if I removed Firefox it would revert to IE as a default. He said yes.

I now cannot access Yahoo mail from Yahoo messenger friends list....

Has anyone got any idea's short of deleting and re-installing Yahoo?

I've deleted firefox, now Yahoo mail won't open in IE from messenger.?ies

You may not have to re-install yahoo at all. When you installed Firefox it probably set itself to be the default internet browser..which could explain why you can't open stuff anymore. To revert back to IE just go to Tools--%26gt;Internet Options--%26gt;click the Programs tab--%26gt; then hit the Make Default button.

I've deleted firefox, now Yahoo mail won't open in IE from messenger.?windows update internet explorerI had the same problem, but only on Windows Vista. I resolved this by problem by going to tools %26gt; Internet Options %26gt; Programs %26gt; Set Programs %26gt; and selecting Microsoft? Windows? then clicking OK. Problem solved! Soul_Traveller Report It

maybe you should try changing the settings or reinstaling messenger. sorry, you said not reinstall... I would change the settings or email support. they usually know exactly what to do.
Remove yahoo and re download it, when removing firefox you removed files that make yahoo work.

Recently ive gone from using firefox back to IE have i made the right choice?

i was told that firefox is better but i was having hassles with sites not working properly that i never had any problem IE

Recently ive gone from using firefox back to IE have i made the right choice?microsoft visual studio

Firefox has less security holes, however, if you regularly use windows update and enable the windows firewall or some other firewall like those available in many cable modem/router combo gateways or other internet routers then your computer will be fairly secure.

Using antivirus software such as McAffee or Norton Antivirus combined with scanning with anti-malware application such as (AdAware or Ewido anti-malware) is recommended. I never get a virus and run Ewido on top of McAffee AV behind my router firewall. I have the windows firewall disabled (it is unneccessary under these conditions).

Good luck. Find yourself some freeware AV software and use AdAware regularly for the lowest cost solution to securing your browsing activity.

Recently ive gone from using firefox back to IE have i made the right choice?ie internet explorer

I did the same! Firefox let me down BIGTIME!!! I've gone back to I.E. (accepting that most worms are targeted for it) and just keep my antivius updated and scanning always. I haven't had problems in a year.

With Firefox, about every 10 days, I'd have to "fix it" somehow...too frustrating!
I did the exact same thing because many sites would not open. I had a very hard time updating on Microsoft's website also without IE. You can have both but I would stick with one or the other. I like IE 7 beta, its fancy and different.
hmmmm.. i've never had problems with FireFox, I love it! I do know that some pages display differently through firefox, but it's never been a real problem for me.
There's nothing wrong with it. Both are designed to assist in Web Browsing. We users have the choice on what to use and what not to. =) I am using IE myself.
I am using firefox right now and have for a long time. I have no problems. The customizble themes, tabbed browsing, extensions. Plus, knowing that most bugs are aimed at IE and that if there is a problem Mozilla is right on top of it and sends the update right to you, makes it far superior to IE. Even IE7. By the time IE7 catches up to firefox, they will come up with something new that will take microsoft another 2 years to catch on to. ie. tabbed browing.
Yes if you like IE more then its the right choice. Those hassles you had are there because firefox is more secure. So to make those things work that didnt, you have to enable them.For example i couldnt play videos on sites on firefox but once i got its plugin it started working. I think you should use whatever you like. Theres no right or wrong. Just depends on one's choice.

Recently ive gone from using firefox back to IE have i made the right choice?

i was told that firefox is better but i was having hassles with sites not working properly that i never had any problem IE

Recently ive gone from using firefox back to IE have i made the right choice?microsoft visual studio

Firefox has less security holes, however, if you regularly use windows update and enable the windows firewall or some other firewall like those available in many cable modem/router combo gateways or other internet routers then your computer will be fairly secure.

Using antivirus software such as McAffee or Norton Antivirus combined with scanning with anti-malware application such as (AdAware or Ewido anti-malware) is recommended. I never get a virus and run Ewido on top of McAffee AV behind my router firewall. I have the windows firewall disabled (it is unneccessary under these conditions).

Good luck. Find yourself some freeware AV software and use AdAware regularly for the lowest cost solution to securing your browsing activity.

Recently ive gone from using firefox back to IE have i made the right choice?ie internet explorer

I did the same! Firefox let me down BIGTIME!!! I've gone back to I.E. (accepting that most worms are targeted for it) and just keep my antivius updated and scanning always. I haven't had problems in a year.

With Firefox, about every 10 days, I'd have to "fix it" somehow...too frustrating!
I did the exact same thing because many sites would not open. I had a very hard time updating on Microsoft's website also without IE. You can have both but I would stick with one or the other. I like IE 7 beta, its fancy and different.
hmmmm.. i've never had problems with FireFox, I love it! I do know that some pages display differently through firefox, but it's never been a real problem for me.
There's nothing wrong with it. Both are designed to assist in Web Browsing. We users have the choice on what to use and what not to. =) I am using IE myself.
I am using firefox right now and have for a long time. I have no problems. The customizble themes, tabbed browsing, extensions. Plus, knowing that most bugs are aimed at IE and that if there is a problem Mozilla is right on top of it and sends the update right to you, makes it far superior to IE. Even IE7. By the time IE7 catches up to firefox, they will come up with something new that will take microsoft another 2 years to catch on to. ie. tabbed browing.
Yes if you like IE more then its the right choice. Those hassles you had are there because firefox is more secure. So to make those things work that didnt, you have to enable them.For example i couldnt play videos on sites on firefox but once i got its plugin it started working. I think you should use whatever you like. Theres no right or wrong. Just depends on one's choice.

IE 7: is there a way to move the address bar below the other stuff?

I don't like the address bar at the top above file, edit, etc.. and everything I would like to move it down as it was in IE 6 is there a way to do this?

IE 7: is there a way to move the address bar below the other stuff?microsoft zune

My anti virus caught it spying on me Its Norton antivirus corporate edition it was sending back my URL history and all that crap

so i tried Firefox and Opera THEY BOTH ROCK :D

Plus Firefox has better security

My "My Yahoo" has stopped working. IE says it has a problem.?

Each Time I try to go to my previously wonderful "My Yahoo" page, I get an error message from IE saying it has encountered a problem and will "shut down." Which it does. I can still access "Yahoo", and get my mail, but without the convenience of "My.Yahoo", which is dissappointing to say the least. Any Suggestions?

Alan in NC

My "My Yahoo" has stopped working. IE says it has a problem.?ies

how did u ask this question then?

Friday, November 27, 2009

How to set yahoo as default mail with IE 7?

works with IE 5 or6 but not 7 .

How to set yahoo as default mail with IE 7?microsoft money

just make da IE as default..

Is your belief in a Supreme Being based on the facts, ie the knowledge,you have of the nature of the

And by "the facts,ie the knowledge" I specifically mean "the scientific facts,ie the scientific knowledge". Sorry, but as usual, I couldn't fit the wording I wanted into the Q box.

Is your belief in a Supreme Being based on the facts, ie the knowledge,you have of the nature of the Universe?microsoft support

No, and by that, I mean NO%26lt; my belief in God is faith baised, Not science based. Though in recent years scientists HAVE proven some facts in the bible to be true.

Is your belief in a Supreme Being based on the facts, ie the knowledge,you have of the nature of the Universe?windows live mail internet explorer

No I don't have any scientific facts except the one that we are here on this planet with every thing we need if we could get it!@
i know in my heart..without god my hert would be empty and cold
I believe in God as the Supreme Being, and Creator of all and because of the facts, ie scientific facts, as in none have been proven to not substantiate my facts about my beliefs
You cannot believe based on facts, but i know god exists based on science and reasoning. belief is based on emotion, knowledge is based on facts. To gain knowledges through facts on a belief is to lose that belief and the emotion toward what you believed in, you become indifferent to it. So i know god exists, therefor i do not believe. i am indifferent to god.
Are you saying that scientific knowledge has advanced as far as it ever will and we have to settle for the limited knowledge we have to date? Are you conviently ignoring the scientific evidence that there possibly may be something other than humans that has self awareness? Something that could be attributed to being a 'being' more supreme than us?

Do you accept all facts? Are you open-minded to the possibility that all possiblities are possible? Or that we humans have a limited understanding of the universe? FACT you can explain your thought even act on it, speak it, write about it, but you cannot take it out of your head for someone to touch, therefore it must be just as unreal and intangible as God.
Darwin himself said that if a cell was more than a glob of goo, it could not have happened through evolution. When you look at the human body do you see evolution, try looking at the body as a machine, if you had never seen it before and you were looking at all the intricacies of what it takes to make this machine work, would you really wonder if was created?

I know this does not answer the question, but it is a matter of perception of the whole world. I see simpler things, like the fact that plants feed off of CO2 and produces O2 and we need O2 to breathe and we just happen to make CO2 which the plants need, as a master design it was made to work together and I don't believe things that work well together are just mere accidents-they were created to work together. Man does this today with computers/printers,/software just as an example, but not with the same perfection like it seems to be with us and the plants (minus man's influences like Carbon monoxide and other pollutants).

I know this is a little off subject, but archaeologists are considered scientist-as for the validity of the Bible-as I am a christian-all one needs to do is look into the archeology that keeps trying to prove the Bible is wrong, but can never seem to make it. There is new documentation coming out on the history channel next Sunday that gives even more credence to Genesis.

In so many ways. For example

Can you control your own heartbeat at your own will?

Your heart is within your body, but why can't you, even just for a minute?

Can you defy the law of gravity or can you levitate for at least thirty seconds on the air?

Can you bring back the time that you spent? For example, you are now eighteen, can you go back being three years old? Let's make it easier, seventeen or just an hour ago. You cannot bring back the time.

You cannot live the past or live the future. You only live the present.
This video offers a different concept of God and The Bible

Isn't Yahoo!Answers I get to in IE home page the same as Answers I get to from Yahoo Mail-Beta?

Two days ago I was on one of these answer forums and had 103 points, today on Answers accessed from IE Yahoo only have 99pts. Do I have two different accounts?

Isn't Yahoo!Answers I get to in IE home page the same as Answers I get to from Yahoo Mail-Beta??windows updates

yes it is.

As regular user on win 2000, IE keeps trying to connect & is in loop. Intrnet options

As administrator IE works fine. Its only as regular user it goes into a infinite loop of white screen. At bottom right it keeps saying with flicker "connecting" . Please help. Tks

As regular user on win 2000, IE keeps trying to connect %26amp; is in loop. Intrnet options no wrks.?windows firewall

Maybe you want to check the Proxy settings unter Tools%26gt;Options and see if its set to blank.

How would I go about getting rid of IE and moving to Firefox?

Is firefox the best browser out there?

I'm getting to many, "IE has encountered an error, please send the report."

How would I go about getting rid of IE and moving to Firefox?windows mobile 6

Just download Firefox and install it.

You can't remove IE because is part of the OS thanks to microsoft.


How would I go about getting rid of IE and moving to Firefox?microsoft office 2003 internet explorer

you cant delete Explorer

but firefox only takes a minute to download, i use it sometimes, i quite like the 'tabs' system.

also if you somehow start getting a lot of ads and stuff during your internet use, switching to firefox is like a quick-fix 'back-up' in those situations, so it pays to have two browsers.
I'd be a bit more concerned about your entire operating system rather than just IE, if you get lots of those errors. Be sure you have scanned for viruses, spyware, adware.

Download Firefox

Use it.

Don't remove IE, just change its icon to a big red X and rename it "Humankind's Worst Browser" on the desktop.

Not Responding error in IE 7?

Every few minutes my browser hangs for 15 to 30 seconds. Ocassionally I get a (Not Responding) error. I am using IE 7 Beta 2. I do not believe this is unique to the Beta because I received the same error with the previous version.

I have a Dell Optiplex GX280 with a G3 3GHz processor with 2 MB of RAM.

I hope someone has experienced and solved this problem. Thanks for any assistance you can render.

Not Responding error in IE 7?windows xp professional

Check to see if you have any mapped drives. Even though you are using Internet Explorer, a failed mapped drive in File Explorer can cause everything to hang whilst it searches for the path.

File Explorer - Tools - Disconnect Network Drive

Not Responding error in IE 7?windows xp home internet explorer

Your Internet connection is what's hanging I.E., not your computer. Troubleshoot your Internet connection (home - dial-up, DSL, cable-modem; work - network gateway/proxy server)

How to change the css style when browser=IE ?

how can i change one of the styles of my CSS stylesheet when the browser is IE?

my problem is that IE doesn't accept alpha enabled png files as background

How to change the css style when browser=IE ?microsoft access

%26lt;!--[if IE 6]%26gt;

Special instructions for IE 6 here


put that in the head tag of the html document.

For png transparency in IE5.5 and 6, there is a javascript:

How to change the css style when browser=IE ?windows mobile 6 internet explorer

Poor ol' IE (groan!) and not only that, there's differences in VARIOUS RELEASES of IE... (groan!)

If you want the full list of "hacks and filters" see and keep nearby a copy of the cited text:

Is it safe to mov IE and just have firefox on puter i am running XP?

as i have had spyware and viruses with IE

Is it safe to mov IE and just have firefox on puter i am running XP?web browser

I don't see why it wouldn't be safe. I have both installed, however, because every once in awhile, I come across a "dinosaur" website that is only set up for IE and I can't access or use it with Firefox. However, I never open it unless I absolutely have to. It just sits dormant....taking up RAM.

If you can live without needing it occasionally, I don't think will effect anything. As long as you have a browser of some sort to use.

Is it safe to mov IE and just have firefox on puter i am running XP?windows installer internet explorer

yes it's safe
IE is an integral part of Windows. It can't just be removed.

But you can set things up so that Firefox is your default browser and try as best as you can to just forget about Internet Explorer.
It's fine but IE is more compatable with different things, including music videos, but it is not a needed program.
You cant remove internet explorer but you can set firefox as the default browser. You will still need IE because there are some sites which will only work with IE.
yes, it won't harm your computer.
Got nothing to do with IE it is the way you have set it and if you keep on letting all sorts of people give you cookies and you download idiscretly nothing is stopping Viruses as for spyware just remove it also check your spyware how dangerous is it if it is benine leave it.As for Viruses get a Virus programme that stops them not let them in.Firefox will not make it better.

Take care!
I once was asking the same question to myself. In the meantime, I made the experience, that sometimes you may be glad to have both systems rready and at hand. Things are permanently changing and it is unpredictable, what kinds of attacks will hit which system more.
You cannot remove IE, only shortcuts to it. You can and should make Firefox the default browser.
IE is useful at if you need to do manual updates. Surprise!!! that website does not work well with Firefox. There is a Firefox extension that lets you view a page as if you are usiing IE, but I have not tried it on - works ok on others howerver.
I use Internet explorer and I have never had any problems. But of course I am fully updated.
hi, but you cannot remove ie .

firefox is much smaller than IE, so i run faster than IE.

download firefox for free:

Best Wishes %26amp;%26amp; Good Luck!

Youtube videos have stopped playing on my Win XP,IE 6. Working fine on Mozelle Firefox. Is this an I

Clicking on any Youtube video brings up"...Javascript is not enabled, or you need to install the latest Flash Player." The 'dancing Duke' (java) %26amp; the 'playing movie' (Adobe) tests show both are OK. Is this an IE error? How do I fix it?

Youtube videos have stopped playing on my Win XP,IE 6. Working fine on Mozelle Firefox. Is this an IE error?microsoft visual studio

YouTube has been updating their site somehow causing conflicts with the flashplayer, and to make it worse, if you just try to update Adobe's flash player you'll likely make matters worse. You really need to completely uninstall the flash player using Adobe's uninstall tool (important - not add/remove programs), restart your computer, then reinstall the flash player.

How to uninstall the Adobe Flash Player plug-in and ActiveX control

"Due to recent enhancements to the Adobe Flash Player installers, you can now remove the player only by using the Adobe Flash Player uninstaller. ..."

Then restart your computer, then reinstall the latest version here.

Hope that helps you.

YouTube Help Center: "The video won't play鈥攚hat's wrong?"

Youtube videos have stopped playing on my Win XP,IE 6. Working fine on Mozelle Firefox. Is this an IE error?ie internet explorer

In this case,maybe you can download the vid before watching.

I'm using Moyea flv downloader. It downloads very fast with high quality and supports full screen.

And it is free.

It is very easy to handle.

You needn't get the url when downloading the vid.

Press "start recording"

Click in the vid you plan to download.

The downloader will automatically save it to your hard disk.

Then you can watch it with the bounded flv player.

You can search "flv downloader" on for more info.

I am an atheist. Can any of you theists change my mind with logical arguments (ie no quoting scriptu

Honestly, like most scientific people, I'm always willing to change my beliefs in the face of genuine evidence. I'm opening the floor to any and all who can offer up reasonable, TESTABLE, evidence for the existence of a god/supreme being/creator. Please refrain from anecdotes (ie. "my mother, father, sister, saw him"), illogical reasoning (ie. because something complex exists, it had to have been created), personal opinions (ie. because "I" believe... think... feel, etc) and coincidence (ie. a bunch of people prayed and he miraculously got better.)

The evidence must be testable, repeatable, and logical. Please no "Post hoc, ergo propter hoc" thinking, and absolutely do not post scripture, as it will be ignored! (The Bible %26amp; other religious books ARE NOT evidence, since there is no way to investigate the authors' research.)

Consider this, your answers, if valid, could potentially change an entire segment of the populations thinking. Good luck!

I am an atheist. Can any of you theists change my mind with logical arguments (ie no quoting scripture)?microsoft frontpage

Your request is far too intellegent to get a good answer here. Happy searching, fellow questioner of the universe. :)

I am an atheist. Can any of you theists change my mind with logical arguments (ie no quoting scripture)?windows vista home premium internet explorerGod is real! Report It

Convince me that their is no God and I don't have to go into all that stuff you went into. Boy your hand must of got I don't think you can do it. Not you or your fellow kindred spirits. Report It

Faith can not be proven scientifically.

So the very simple question to your answer is:

No. Report It

Quality question... Report It

Another atheist- not lkg to change.Stopped believing at 8 yrs bc it just didn't make any sense. Following a idea/law/leader blindly- w/o questioning seems insane to me, goes against rational person's sense of reason. Wish I had more space -darn!! Report It

can you emphatically say that you are the supreme scientist to accept/acnowledge the explanations? Report It

I could say (emphatically) that the only scientist I need to convince of anything is myself, but since my question is a reasonable one, chances are that a good answer would convince others. Report It

I knew you were going to say that. How can I change the belief of a person who is only looking for proof. To believe in God you don't need proof, you need faith. Report It

No proof that you find about the existence of God is ever going to be good enough for you, and you will never believe in him with that mentality. Don't waste people's time. Report It


If you truly felt that way, you wouldn't be wasting YOUR OWN time responding to me. Human beings question blind faith because they ARE INTELLIGENT, and most intelligent beings prefer to know they're not living a lie. Report It

Strange that you would commend an answer that does not purport to answer your question. Are you doing behavioural studies here or really seeking answers??? Report It

Best question ever!

The arguments speak for themselves. Report It

Duck Phup's answer may just sum up every other Go? argument here. Report It

To each his own.

I do not need to debate my beliefs.
im athiest too :) dont worry its okay!
Nah, don't think so, so why bother? You believe what you want to believe; I'll believe what I want to believe. You be respectful and I'll be respectful. And we're both happy except when the evangelicals bother both of us.
Faith isn't based on empirical evidence. If it were, it would be science.
Creation: 鈥榳here鈥檚 the proof?鈥?/p>

When the person you talk to on creation insists that you 鈥榣eave the Bible out of it鈥? they are really saying the deck should be stacked one way.

by Ken Ham

Over the years, many people have challenged me with a question like:

鈥業鈥檝e been trying to witness to my friends. They say they don鈥檛 believe the Bible and aren鈥檛 interested in the stuff in it. They want real proof that there鈥檚 a God who created, and then they鈥檒l listen to my claims about Christianity. What proof can I give them without mentioning the Bible so they鈥檒l start to listen to me?鈥?/p>

Briefly, my response is as follows.


Creationists and evolutionists, Christians and non-Christians all have the same evidence鈥攖he same facts. Think about it: we all have the same earth, the same fossil layers, the same animals and plants, the same stars鈥攖he facts are all the same.

The difference is in the way we all interpret the facts. And why do we interpret facts differently? Because we start with different presuppositions. These are things that are assumed to be true, without being able to prove them. These then become the basis for other conclusions. All reasoning is based on presuppositions (also called axioms). This becomes especially relevant when dealing with past events.

Past and present

We all exist in the present鈥攁nd the facts all exist in the present. When one is trying to understand how the evidence came about (Where did the animals come from? How did the fossil layers form? etc.), what we are actually trying to do is to connect the past to the present.

However, if we weren鈥檛 there in the past to observe events, how can we know what happened so we can explain the present? It would be great to have a time machine so we could know for sure about past events.

Christians of course claim they do, in a sense, have a 鈥榯ime machine鈥? They have a book called the Bible which claims to be the Word of God who has always been there, and has revealed to us the major events of the past about which we need to know.

On the basis of these events (Creation, Fall, Flood, Babel, etc.), we have a set of presuppositions to build a way of thinking which enables us to interpret the evidence of the present.

Evolutionists have certain beliefs about the past/present that they presuppose, e.g. no God (or at least none who performed acts of special creation), so they build a different way of thinking to interpret the evidence of the present.

Thus, when Christians and non-Christians argue about the evidence, in reality they are arguing about their interpretations based on their presuppositions.

That鈥檚 why the argument often turns into something like:

鈥楥an鈥檛 you see what I鈥檓 talking about?鈥?/p>

鈥楴o, I can鈥檛. Don鈥檛 you see how wrong you are?鈥?/p>

鈥楴o, I鈥檓 not wrong. It鈥檚 obvious that I鈥檓 right.鈥?/p>

鈥楴o, it鈥檚 not obvious.鈥?And so on.

These two people are arguing about the same evidence, but they are looking at the evidence through different glasses.

It鈥檚 not until these two people recognize the argument is really about the presuppositions they have to start with, that they will begin to deal with the foundational reasons for their different beliefs. A person will not interpret the evidence differently until they put on a different set of glasses鈥攚hich means to change one鈥檚 presuppositions.

I鈥檝e found that a Christian who understands these things can actually put on the evolutionist鈥檚 glasses (without accepting the presuppositions as true) and understand how they look at evidence. However, for a number of reasons, including spiritual ones, a non-Christian usually can鈥檛 put on the Christian鈥檚 glasses鈥攗nless they recognize the presuppositional nature of the battle and are thus beginning to question their own presuppositions.

It is of course sometimes possible that just by presenting 鈥榚vidence鈥? you can convince a person that a particular scientific argument for creation makes sense 鈥榦n the facts鈥? But usually, if that person then hears a different interpretation of the same evidence that seems better than yours, that person will swing away from your argument, thinking they have found 鈥榮tronger facts鈥?

However, if you had helped the person to understand this issue of presuppositions, then they will be better able to recognize this for what it is鈥攁 different interpretation based on differing presuppositions鈥攊.e. starting beliefs.

As a teacher, I found that whenever I taught the students what I thought were the 鈥榝acts鈥?for creation, then their other teacher would just re-interpret the facts. The students would then come back to me saying, 鈥榃ell sir, you need to try again.鈥?/p>

However, when I learned to teach my students how we interpret facts, and how interpretations are based on our presuppositions, then when the other teacher tried to reinterpret the facts, the students would challenge the teacher鈥檚 basic assumptions. Then it wasn鈥檛 the students who came back to me, but the other teacher! This teacher was upset with me because the students wouldn鈥檛 accept her interpretation of the evidence and challenged the very basis of her thinking.

What was happening was that I had learned to teach the students how to think rather than just what to think. What a difference that made to my class! I have been overjoyed to find, sometimes decades later, some of those students telling me how they became active, solid Christians as a result.

Debate terms

If one agrees to a discussion without using the Bible as some people insist, then they have set the terms of the debate. In essence these terms are:

鈥楩acts鈥?are neutral. However, there are no such things as 鈥榖rute facts鈥? all facts are interpreted. Once the Bible is eliminated in the argument, then the Christians鈥?presuppositions are gone, leaving them unable to effectively give an alternate interpretation of the facts. Their opponents then have the upper hand as they still have their presuppositions 鈥?see Naturalism, logic and reality.

Truth can/should be determined independent of God. However, the Bible states: 鈥楾he fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom鈥?(Psalm 111:10); 鈥楾he fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge鈥?(Proverbs 1:7). 鈥楤ut the natural man does not receive the things of the Spirit of God, for they are foolishness to him; neither can he know them, because they are spiritually discerned鈥?(1 Corinthians 2:14).

A Christian cannot divorce the spiritual nature of the battle from the battle itself. A non-Christian is not neutral. The Bible makes this very clear: 鈥楾he one who is not with Me is against Me, and the one who does not gather with Me scatters鈥?(Matthew 12:30); 鈥楢nd this is the condemnation, that the Light has come into the world, and men loved darkness rather than the Light, because their deeds were evil鈥?(John 3:19).

Agreeing to such terms of debate also implicitly accepts their proposition that the Bible鈥檚 account of the universe鈥檚 history is irrelevant to understanding that history!

Ultimately, God鈥檚 Word convicts

1 Peter 3:15 and other passages make it clear we are to use every argument we can to convince people of the truth, and 2 Cor. 10:4鈥? says we are to refute error (like Paul did in his ministry to the Gentiles). Nonetheless, we must never forget Hebrews 4:12: 鈥楩or the word of God is living and powerful and sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing even to the dividing apart of soul and spirit, and of the joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart.鈥?/p>

Also, Isaiah 55:11: 鈥楽o shall My word be, which goes out of My mouth; it shall not return to Me void, but it shall accomplish what I please, and it shall certainly do what I sent it to do.鈥?/p>

Even though our human arguments may be powerful, ultimately it is God鈥檚 Word that convicts and opens people to the truth. In all of our arguments, we must not divorce what we are saying from the Word that convicts.

Practical application

When someone tells me they want 鈥榩roof鈥?or 鈥榚vidence鈥? not the Bible, my response is as follows:

鈥榊ou might not believe the Bible but I do. And I believe it gives me the right basis to understand this universe and correctly interpret the facts around me. I鈥檓 going to give you some examples of how building my thinking on the Bible explains the world and is not contradicted by science. For instance, the Bible states that God made distinct kinds of animals and plants. Let me show you what happens when I build my thinking on this presupposition. I will illustrate how processes such as natural selection, genetic drift, etc. can be explained and interpreted. You will see how the science of genetics makes sense based upon the Bible.鈥?/p>

One can of course do this with numerous scientific examples, showing how the issue of sin and judgment, for example, is relevant to geology and fossil evidence. And how the Fall of man, with the subsequent Curse on creation, makes sense of the evidence of harmful mutations, violence, and death.

Once I鈥檝e explained some of this in detail, I then continue:

鈥楴ow let me ask you to defend your position concerning these matters. Please show me how your way of thinking, based on your beliefs, makes sense of the same evidence. And I want you to point out where my science and logic are wrong.鈥?

In arguing this way, a Christian is:

Using biblical presuppositions to build a way of thinking to interpret the evidence.

Showing that the Bible and science go hand in hand.1

Challenging the presuppositions of the other person (many are unaware they have these).

Forcing the debater to logically defend his position consistent with science and his own presuppositions (many will find that they cannot do this).

Honouring the Word of God that convicts the soul.

Remember, it鈥檚 no good convincing people to believe in creation, without also leading them to believe and trust in the Creator/Redeemer, Jesus Christ. God honours those who honour His Word. We need to use God-honouring ways of reaching people with the truth of what life is all about.

Naturalism, logic and reality

Those arguing against creation may not even be conscious of their most basic presupposition, one which excludes God a priori, namely naturalism/materialism (everything came from matter, there is no supernatural, no prior creative intelligence).2 The following two real-life examples highlight some problems with that assumption:

A young man approached me at a seminar and stated, 鈥榃ell, I still believe in the big bang, and that we arrived here by chance random processes. I don鈥檛 believe in God.鈥?I answered him, 鈥榃ell, then obviously your brain, and your thought processes, are also the product of randomness. So you don鈥檛 know whether it evolved the right way, or even what right would mean in that context. Young man, you don鈥檛 know if you鈥檙e making correct statements or even whether you鈥檙e asking me the right questions.鈥?/p>

The young man looked at me and blurted out, 鈥榃hat was that book you recommended?鈥?He finally realized that his belief undercut its own foundations 鈥攕uch 鈥榬easoning鈥?destroys the very basis for reason.

On another occasion, a man came to me after a seminar and said, 鈥楢ctually, I鈥檓 an atheist. Because I don鈥檛 believe in God, I don鈥檛 believe in absolutes, so I recognize that I can鈥檛 even be sure of reality.鈥?I responded, 鈥楾hen how do you know you鈥檙e really here making this statement?鈥?鈥楪ood point,鈥?he replied. 鈥榃hat point?鈥?I asked. The man looked at me, smiled, and said, 鈥楳aybe I should go home.鈥?I stated, 鈥楳aybe it won鈥檛 be there.鈥?鈥楪ood point,鈥?the man said. 鈥榃hat point?鈥?I replied.

This man certainly got the message. If there is no God, ultimately, philosophically, how can one talk about reality? How can one even rationally believe that there is such a thing as truth, let alone decide what it is?
Polonium halos are the undisputed evidence since the evidence was published in Science magazine in 1968.

Check this website for details.

Also, there are a few other sites for other evidence:
Excellent, excellent point! I do not believe one person will be able to give you credible evidence, but I look foward to reading the responses you get.

Why do you exist?

I don't mean you the organism, I mean you the subjective experience. Why is there a perception of anything at all? Why isn't the entire universe a blind, unfeeling clockwork? Why is there an experience of the present moment?
It's not based on logic... it's based on faith... That's why they call it FAITH... duh
Like the first person said there is no reason to debate. If I believe that something is true then there is no reason to argue about it. I just hope you change. This feels like a game and I don't like playing with stuff like this.
I would be willing to discuss this with you if you like, but not on the great format that is Yahoo Answers.

I am not interested in arguing, however, only sharing opinions and beliefs. I am also very science minded.

I am not sure if this is the 'proof' you are interested in, but I have had a prayer answered. Not in the 'poof' and it's magically fixed. It took a long time and a lot of prayer, but eventually it happened. It was so subtle, I didn't realize it at first either.

I can also share with you the 'proofs' (that I can remember) from my days at Catholic School. Not that most of us students understood them either........
I use to believe in god and religion; but then I woke up and realized that reason made more sense than belief.

Continue being an Atheist, there is nothing wrong with that despite what some close minded people think
I think you should just believe in a loving and caring God that also created a firey hell for unbelievers to burn in forever if they reject Him.

Also, you're not allowed to ask who created "God", and question the fact that if "God" knew where we would all end up, why did He bother to create us, test us, judge us, and send us on our way anyway.. ?
you already have your own is your own inflated ego and sense of intellectual an 'entire segment of the population' eagerly awaiting the results of your scientific inquiry? sweet mother of pearl, man, take a deep breath and GET OVER YOURSELF!!!!
I would give you logical argument, but I don't proselytize. All my religion is, is taking all things in nature and referring to it as part of God. That's it. I believe in the big bang, I believe in evolution, I believe dinosaurs existed, and I believe humans created religion, and not the other way around. Blessed be.
You want something from others (answers), yet you TELL them HOW to answer your question.

You want to control the answers you get... which means that others can't tell you the truths that they know.

Completely unreasonable to me - and evidently, you really don't want to know anything different.
It is not my job or desire to change your mind. That task belongs to the Holy Spirit. My job is to tell you what I know to be true, and, since that is based on Holy Scripture, and you don't want to hear it, I have nothing to say.

The rest is between you and God.

See ya!
Hey I posted something earlier ago about something that might interest you but read it with an open mind. My intentions are to let people know that scientific evidences are limited and that they can't prove that a Jesus existed.;...

Oh forget it I am going to post it anyway. This a mix of my own opinions and notes written from a certain book I have.

If you want to believe or not that's your problem but don't get angry at me or feel offended.

Why not everything can be proved scientifically?

Many people think that if something can't be proved scientifically then is completely false and doesn't exist. But this is a myth. The Scientific method is not the only way to prove the validity of something. It everything was like this then you can't prove that Abraham Lincoln was the president of the U.S because you can't repeat this event that belongs to the past. Also you can't prove scientifically that you had a test last Wednesday at AM, because you can't repeat it again in a controlled manner where you can register observations and data. Once it happens it is history. Anything that can't be proved scientifically can be proved by the historical method or the evidential method, which includes oral testimonies, physical testimonies. This method is used in the courts of the whole world to prove evidence and is the only one that is applied in historical events. The way that was proved that The scientific method is limited and you can't proved the events mentioned before.

You can't prove that Napoleon was defeated in Waterloo. The bubonic pest that killed millions of people in XVII century in London, also that Jesus resuscitated from the death because you can't repeat these events in a controlled environment like the scientific method.

A history event like this can be proved with the evidential method, and there is enough evidence that Jesus came here for a a mission

In other words science isn't very reliable to probe a historical events such as the crucifixion or other stories in the Bible, and these kinds of events need another special way to be proved which is the historical method, and we have enough evidence to prove that Jesus was sent by God, like the Bible which is an obvious one. There were many witnesses who saw Jesus and wrote their experiences . The Bible was proved that is was real, and these men really existed. There is also archaeological evidence and places that prove that Jesus existed.

If you want to prove by yourself that God existed and Jesus, you need to do some serious research about the history and arqueology of those times, and you will realize that it was not fiction it was true and part of our history. You have to study a little bit of everything. Theology,History,Arqueology anything except science Lil.

(1) If reason exists then God exists.

(2) Reason exists.

(3) Therefore, God exists.


(1) If I say something must have a cause, it has a cause.

(2) I say the universe must have a cause.

(3) Therefore, the universe has a cause.

(4) Therefore, God exists.


(1) I define God to be X.

(2) Since I can conceive of X, X must exist.

(3) Therefore, God exists.


(1) I can conceive of a perfect God.

(2) One of the qualities of perfection is existence.

(3) Therefore, God exists.


(1) God is either necessary or unnecessary.

(2) God is not unnecessary, therefore God must be necessary.

(3) Therefore, God exists.


(1) Check out the world/universe/giraffe. Isn't it complex?

(2) Only God could have made them so complex.

(3) Therefore, God exists.


(1) Isn't that baby/sunset/flower/tree beautiful?

(2) Only God could have made them so beautiful.

(3) Therefore, God exists.


(1) My aunt had cancer.

(2) The doctors gave her all these horrible treatments.

(3) My aunt prayed to God and now she doesn't have cancer.

(4) Therefore, God exists.


(1) Person X, a well-known Atheist, was morally inferior to the rest of us.

(2) Therefore, God exists.


(1) In my younger days I was a cursing, drinking, smoking, gambling, child-molesting, thieving, murdering, bed-wetting bastard.

(2) That all changed once I became religious.

(3) Therefore, God exists.


(1) If evolution is false, then creationism is true, and therefore God exists.

(2) Evolution can't be true, since I lack the mental capacity to understand it; moreover, to accept its truth would cause me to be uncomfortable.

(3) Therefore, God exists.


(1) If there is no God then we're all going to die.

(2) Therefore, God exists.


(1) [arbitrary passage from OT]

(2) [arbitrary passage from NT]

(3) Therefore, God exists.


(1) Look, there's really no point in me trying to explain the whole thing to you stupid Atheists 鈥?it's too complicated for you to understand. God exists whether you like it or not.

(2) Therefore, God exists.


(1) Okay, I don't pretend to be as intelligent as you guys 鈥?you're obviously very well read. But I read the Bible, and nothing you say can convince me that God does not exist. I feel him in my heart, and you can feel him too, if you'll just ask him into your life. "For God so loved the world that he sent his only begotten son into the world, that whosoever believes in him shall not perish from the earth." John 3:16.

(2) Therefore, God exists.


(1) If God exists, then I should believe in Him.

(2) I believe in God.

(3) Therefore, God exists.


(1) See this bonfire?

(2) Therefore, God exists.


(1) My mommy and daddy told me that God exists.

(2) Therefore, God exists.


(1) Millions and millions of people believe in God.

(2) They can't all be wrong, can they?

(3) Therefore, God exists.


(1) Maranathra!

(2) Therefore, God exists.


(1) God exists, you bastards!

(2) Therefore, God exists.


(1) Ha ha ha.

(2) Therefore, God exists.


(1) I forgot to take my meds.

(2) Therefore, I AM CHRIST!!

(3) Therefore, God exists.


(1) Eric Clapton is God.

(2) Therefore, God exists.


(1) There is a website that successfully argues for the existence of God.

(2) Here is the URL.

(3) Therefore, God exists.


(1) Flabble glurk zoom boink blubba snurgleschnortz ping!

(2) No one has ever refuted (1).

(3) Therefore, God exists.


(1) Telling people that God exists makes me filthy rich.

(2) Therefore, God exists.


(1) The Christian God exists.

(2) Therefore, all worldviews which don't assume the Christian God's existence are false and incomprehensible.

(3) Therefore, God exists.


(1) Atheists are spiritually blind.

(2) Therefore, God exists.


(1) God is love.

(2) Love is blind.

(3) Stevie Wonder is blind.

(4) Therefore, Stevie Wonder is God.

(5) Therefore, God exists.


(1) Human reasoning is inherently flawed.

(2) Therefore, there is no reasonable way to challenge a proposition.

(3) I propose that God exists.

(4) Therefore, God exists.
I have no idea if I could change your mind, but there are plenty of reasons why a rational, philosophical theism is a more satisfying account of the data of human experience than atheism. I cite three texts below. If you're serious about your proposition, read one of them. If you don't want to buy it, you can get it through your local public library (interlibrary loan).
I am an atheist. Can any of you theists change my mind with logical arguments (ie no quoting scripture)?

In a word, no....we can't. No one's words have the power to change your mind except the words of God himself. Anyone who tries is wasting his time.
God IS an alien: Ironically, god evolved and THEN created mankind. See, the fact than anything exists is proof that nothing has ever been the state of existence, for it is logically impossible for something to come from nothing (remember, nothing means no space, dimension, or possibilty). From this we can posit that something has always existed. That brings us to the usual crossroads in this debate: either god has always existed (and created the universe) or the universe has always existed (independent of a creator). In either case, God is a certainty. Let me explain:

If you argue that the universe has always existed, you must also argue that the universe is infinite, because at no point in the physical universe can something and nothing co-exist (i.e., if the only thing that exists is a basketball, what's all around the basketball? Nothing? Infinite, dimensionless nothing containing a finite something?? Impossible.)

If the universe is infinite and eternal (space and time are one, remember) then presumably it has been doing its thing (whatever it is doing now) for an infinite span of time. now, look what the universe has done in the last 15 billion years? It created you. The universe is pretty predictable and deterministic, so if it created life once, in an infinite span of time how many times did it create life? Did all of those life forms die out, or did some of them evolve way beyond the stage we are at and figure out how to live forever? Maybe we had a race of super scientists that learned, over the span of a trillion years (thats nothing in an infinite span of time, mind you) complete mastery over the universe.

God as a super alien? Not so far fetched is it - using your own precious concept of evolution! It really wouldn't even change our definition of God because in a universe without beginning or end how can one say that the creation of this super alien scientists did not happen an infinity ago?

Just keep two things in mind, if you remember nothing else: the universe is inifinite and infinity is the sum of all possibility. (in other words, in an infinite span of time, all possibilities WILL be realized, including god). So, where are we now on that infinite timeline? Towards the beginning or towards the end? (What that means, basically, is that in an infinite universe, everything that can happen HAS happened.)

Mwa ha ha ha! Bow down to your space brothers! Mwa ha ha...
Let's put it this way. I am a Christian and you aren't. I believe that when I die I will go to Heaven to be with Jesus. You don't believe in God so I know you will go to hell. The point is if I am wrong and there is no God I have nothing to worry about. But if I am right. you do.

You were doing Great, why did you have to go and quote the bible? I as an aethiest was actually enjoying your argument up until then.
Without quoting scripture, I would like to start by saying that the Bible has been proven to be an accurate account of historical events. Historians agree that Jesus did actually walk the earth. So, if the Bible is an accurate, then those who wrote it would have no reason to lie. I will admit that there are some parts of the Bible that can't be used as historical evidence, but the majority of it can be. So if the authors didn't lie, then the events actually occured, did they not? If these events occured, and the authors did not lie, then they actually happened, and God does exist.

Please check out the link below and respond, I am willing to try to explain further.
I think you are for real and I first beg you to not be intimidated abut the bible, because that is why you say dont quote scripture... because I imagine since your not a Christian you don't know scripture and therefore you can't debate scripture with anyone. Strangely most intellects don't believe in God but they fear him just the same... I'd rather live my life as if God exists and die to find he did not, than to live my life as if he did not and die to find he does. If we come from apes, where do apes come from? Out of all of the scientist and all of the money in the world no one has been able to create life in the way that scientist believe life began. Even cloning has only been able to be accomplished from life... taking what already is and duplicating it... in a lab from dna of what already is... If there is no God and life can just happen don't clone... create! That's all i have to say about Science.
The scientific evidence is right where you are, in the room that you are sitting in. Someone designed and made each and every item in that room. And someone designed and made this Yahoo Answers website. Someone designed and made the toilet paper that wipes your nose (and the other.....). EVERYTHING YOU SEE WAS DESIGNED AND MADE. EVERYTHING. So behind all of the trillions of products on this planet, are designers and manufacturers. So it is with everything in nature. The universe, the earth, the exotic wildlife, the picturesque landscapes were all designed and manufactured. The wooden chair you've sat upon was not a result of happenstance. Neither was the tree from which it's material came.

P.S. You wanted something that was testable. So commit to track down both the designer and the maufacturer of every item in the room where you are sitting. With patience and hard work, you would probably be at a 90% or better success rate. Now do the same for any flower, tree, shrub, butterfly, eagle or lion. Or planet. Or galaxy. With patience and hard work, but most of all DETERMINATION, you will eventually track down that designer and manufacturer as well. But you don't have to take MY word for it!
Hi there....

Ok, I`ve got your point. Actually I`m a scientist to. Especially in the gene scientist. At the first time, I don`t belief in God like u did. But u know what ??? There are a lot of think that human couldn`t think about. Even tough they cold become crazy because over-think and over-loaded the mind.

Can the scientist think the real meaning of the life ???

Yes... in their opinion, because of all organ in our body do them job correctly. But ??? Have u see that the man who lost his heart-beat for 12 hour could totally healty ??? Out of our think right ??? And also, could the scientist sentences where is the soul located ??? No right ???

I`ve make a conclusion that the scientist have only learned about the real-thing.They can not beliefe in the un-real one, beacuse there is no evidence. Actually u r not wrong, but, please learned to receive un-real thing. How about this universe ??? How made it ???Did the universe form coincidentally ??? U know what ??? 1 mm of error may disturbed the orbital of the planetand may cause the armageddon. Someone arrange it.

U can not be so naive, otherwise u can not received the truth. Please belief in God. I`m a mulim and I have found the answer that I have been asking for a long time.

-Belief in your heart-
I'm no religious nut, but a little concerned about people with your attitude.

You have no scientific evidence that there is no God, yet you don't challenge your own belief with the same criteria as you challenge theirs. That tells me that your not looking to be convinced, but are looking to convince. In that sense, you're no better than the evangalists that you're trying to pick a fight with.

The only true battle, if you need to fight any, is protecting your rights as an atheist in the politcal spectrum. True atheists don't concern themselves with conversions of others, or who's ulitmately right. By definition, the "salvation" of another person doesn't matter to you, so there's no need to find a chink in their armor.
It is sad that you can have faith in so many things that you don't understand. You use faith everyday, but won't try it with God.

You don't want an argument from design, or creation. I mean, isn't it logical that everything must have come from something. We call that something, someone, and that someone God. We don't attempt to prove He does exist. We accept God by faith. He is known through our personal experiences as well as everything else.

You will find it impossible to prove that He does not exist.

Yet, so you won't just dimiss this answer and think that you proved something, or that Christians are weak, and their religion is not valid, and you said you were open to try.......

Try just talking to Him, honestly and objectively. Take some time and find an apologist and take a few months out of your life to prove to yourself by having Christianity fail for you before you totally dismiss it. What do you have to lose?
